Oatmeal scrub. Oatmeal facial scrub at home

In addition to its excellent cleansing ability, a scrub made from oatmeal smoothes the face, solves the problems of excessively oily skin, reducing sebaceous secretions, increases skin elasticity, fights inflammation (pimples, blackheads) and irritation. Natural oatmeal scrubs are hypoallergenic and can be used even on very dry skin.


Composition and benefits of oatmeal for skin

  1. The fatty acids contained in oatmeal (nicotinic, pantothenic) have a positive effect on metabolic processes, normalizing them, soften the skin, participate in tissue synthesis, and provide protection against infections.
  2. Vitamins (groups B, H) stimulate the protective function, even out and smooth the skin, and increase the level of ceramides.
  3. Microelements and macroelements (magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, manganese) help increase the oxygen content in cells and their regeneration.
  4. Antioxidant (vitamin E) fights inflammation.
  5. Amino acids (lysine, arginine, tryptophan) have an intense moisturizing and soothing effect.
  6. The oatmeal cleansing treatment will show improvements on your face after just one use.

Video: The benefits of oatmeal in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

Rules for using homemade oat scrubs

  1. Cleansing should begin with warming up the face and opening the pores, for which it is good to use steam baths with herbs.
  2. The composition should be applied for five minutes with soft circular movements, strictly following the massage lines.
  3. During the procedure, do not apply the scrubbing composition to the area around the eyes.
  4. After treating the skin, keep the mixture on your face for another 3 minutes.
  5. Rinse off the mixture with water at room temperature and be sure to moisturize the skin with a good cream.
  6. Homemade oatmeal facial scrub is prepared fresh for each procedure; leftovers cannot be stored.

Recipes for making oatmeal scrubs

For oily and combination skin, it is better to dilute oatmeal with water; for normal and dry skin, it is better to use a combination of oatmeal and milk.

Recipes for all skin types.

Cucumber-oat scrub.

Fresh cucumber chopped on a coarse grater - 1 tbsp. l.
Oatmeal (flour) – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients, scrub the skin that is damp after washing for a few minutes, wash with warm water and apply cream. For those with oily skin, it is recommended to add 1 tsp to the composition. wheat flour (oatmeal).

Video: Gentle oatmeal peeling.

Oatmeal scrub with soda.

Baking soda – 1 tbsp. l.
Hercules - 1 tbsp. l.
Warm water – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and leave covered for 5 minutes. The result should be a mass reminiscent of the consistency of a paste. Scrub your face, wash and apply cream.

Scrub with rosehip.

Small fresh cucumber – ½ pc.
Rosehip oil – 3 ml.
Argan oil – 3 ml.
Hercules - 1 tbsp. l.
Milk – 8-10 ml.

Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, let stand covered for ten minutes, then treat the skin, wash and lubricate your face with cream.

Recipes for normal to dry skin.

Classic recipe.

Rolled oats flakes – 1 tbsp. l.
Powdered milk – ½ tbsp. l.
Hot milk.

Mix the cereal with dry milk and pour in the heated milk until the mixture is completely covered. Cover the top with a lid and leave to swell for 5-10 minutes. Gently scrub the skin with the finished mixture.

Scrub with carrot juice.

Hercules - 1 tbsp. l.
Freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Pour carrot juice over the oatmeal so that the flakes are completely covered with it, leave for 5-10 minutes to swell. Use the mixture for peeling, wash with water at room temperature and apply cream.

Corn-oat scrub.

Sugar – 1 tsp.
Corn flakes – ½ tbsp. l.
Hercules flakes – ½ tbsp. l.
Olive oil (any other vegetable oil can be used) – 1 tsp.

Combine all dry ingredients and add oil until a thick paste forms. Use the prepared mixture as a peeling for the skin for 3 minutes, then wash and lubricate your face with cream.

Oatmeal salt scrub.

Hercules - 1 tbsp. l.
Fine sea salt – ½ tsp.
Olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Mix all ingredients in a glass bowl and use as an exfoliator.

Walnut-pumpkin scrub.

Chopped pumpkin pulp without peel - 1 tbsp. l.
Oatmeal – 1 tsp.
Ground walnuts (flour) – 1 tsp.
Olive oil (can be replaced with high-fat cream) – 1 tsp.

Mix all the ingredients of the recipe, apply as usual, wash with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

Egg-oat scrub.

Hercules - 2 tsp.
Egg yolk – 1 pc.
Vegetable oil – 2 tsp.
Sugar – 1 tsp.


Deep cleansing scrub with aloe.


Oatmeal – ½ tsp.
Liquid honey – ½ tsp.
Aloe juice – ½ tsp.
Water or herbal decoction.

Pour dry ingredients with water or broth to form a paste-like mass. Use it as a cleanser and exfoliator. Wash with warm water and apply your usual moisturizer.

Egg cream scrub.

Almonds crushed in a coffee grinder - ½ tsp.
Hercules – ½ tsp.
Egg yolk – 1 pc.
Heavy cream – ½ tsp.

Combine everything into a homogeneous mass, apply it to the skin, massage for a few minutes and rinse with warm water; at the end of the procedure, lubricate your face with a cream suitable for your skin type.

Recipes for oily and combination skin.

Protein-oat scrub.

Almonds crushed in a coffee grinder - ½ tsp.
Oatmeal – ½ tsp.
Egg white – 1 pc.
Low-fat yogurt – ½ tsp.

Combine all ingredients into a homogeneous mass, apply it to the skin, massage for a few minutes and rinse with cool water; at the end of the procedure, lubricate your face with a cream suitable for your skin type.

Protein-lemon scrub.

Hercules - 2 tsp.
Egg white – 1 pc.
Lemon juice – 2 tsp.
Finely ground sea salt – 1 tsp.

Add vegetable oil to the pre-beaten yolk with sugar, pour the resulting mixture over the flakes. After 5 minutes, use the peeling composition.

Wheat-oat scrub.

Rolled oats flakes – 1 tbsp. l.
Wheat flour (or oatmeal, or starch - ½ tbsp.
Boiled water.
Lemon juice – 3 drops.

Combine the dry ingredients in a ceramic bowl, dilute with water to a paste, and add lemon juice at the end. Scrub your face with the prepared mixture, leave for 5 minutes and rinse with cool water. At the end of the procedure, lubricate your face with cream.

Scrub mask with aloe.

Hercules flakes crushed into flour - 2 tsp.
Sugar – 1 tsp.
Aloe juice – 1 tsp.
Lemon juice – 3 drops.
Purified water is warm.

Combine sugar and flour to form a paste, add lemon juice and aloe juice. Use the prepared mixture for peeling. Wash with water at room temperature and apply cream.

Scrub with grape juice.

Hercules - 1 tbsp. l.
Grape juice – 1 tbsp. l.
Mineral water – 1 tbsp. l.

Pour the flakes with water and juice and let them swell. Apply the finished mass with massaging movements, rinse with cool water and apply a suitable cosmetic product with a moisturizing effect.

Oatmeal-rice scrub.

Rice – 1 tbsp. l.
Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
Kefir (non-fat yogurt) – a little.

Mix rice and cereal in a coffee grinder and grind. Pour the finished mixture with kefir, spread the thin mass over the face with massaging movements, rinse with cool water and apply cream.

These recipes will help you quickly, effectively and at no extra cost to maintain your skin in a perfectly clean condition and prevent the appearance of blackheads and inflammatory processes.

Therefore, almost everyone has tried a lot of cosmetics from expensive brands. And we didn’t even think about the fact that we have an excellent remedy at hand - oatmeal.

A facial scrub made from oatmeal will have a pleasant effect on the skin of your face.

What are the benefits of oatmeal?

Oatmeal is an excellent facial care product.

As you know, oatmeal is very rich in minerals and beneficial vitamins, for example:
Vitamins A, E;
Vegetable fats;

You can learn how to properly wash your face with oatmeal from.

That is why oatmeal can be taken not only as food, but also in cosmetic form as various scrubs.

Cosmetic functions of oatmeal scrub

First of all, it is necessary to note that women with completely different conditions can use a facial scrub made from oatmeal. And all because she has important

Using oatmeal will help: tighten the skin, cleanse it of impurities, eliminate dryness

properties for us:
Skin tightening;
Cleansing facial skin of toxins;
Pulling out dirt and makeup residues from the face;

Preparing oatmeal facial scrubs at home takes only a few minutes, but it will last much longer. All the ingredients that may be needed to prepare scrubs can easily be found in every housewife’s kitchen.

Oatmeal face scrub: recipes

It is best to use the most natural ingredients possible when preparing face care products at home. The first step in care must be cleansing, and this is where you will need a scrub made from oatmeal.

To cleanse the skin with oatmeal, it is good to use honey.

Oatmeal face scrub with sugar
Take 2 tbsp. oat bran, 1.5 tsp. brown sugar, 8 tsp. juice, as well as 1 tsp. juice

Honey and salt scrub
You will need 1 tbsp. (liquid), 1 tbsp. oatmeal, 2 tbsp. olive oil and 0.5 tsp. fine table salt.

Almond scrub
To prepare, you need to stir 1 tbsp. pre-crushed almonds, 2 tbsp. oatmeal flakes and 1 tsp. honey with Aloe juice.

Egg scrub
For the scrub you will need to mix 0.5 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal and any ground nuts along with the white of one egg, 2 tsp. kefir, if your skin is oily or the yolk of one egg, 2 tsp. sour cream at.

Cucumber scrub
You need to grate one fresh cucumber, add 1 tbsp to it. oatmeal flakes.

Lemon scrub
Grind 2 tbsp. oatmeal and mix with 1 tsp. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. low-fat kefir or yogurt.

You can make many face masks from oatmeal; read how to do this.

There are no contraindications for the use of oatmeal. Only if you notice that you individually cannot tolerate cereals, you should not experiment with scrubs based on oatmeal. To begin, it is better to consult with an experienced specialist.


Svetlana, 19 years old:
- Tell me, please, when is it better to make an oatmeal scrub in the morning or evening?

Expert's answer:
- Hello. It would be more correct to use the scrub before bed. Since the skin may be a little reddish, in order to give the skin the opportunity to breathe and rest a little without makeup.

Yana, 34 years old
- Is it possible to get rid of acne forever with the help of such a scrub?

Expert's answer:
- Yes, Yana. You can get rid of them. But in addition to oatmeal scrub, it is recommended to use other auxiliary (medicinal) products, with the help of which the process of getting rid of acne will become even faster. But you need to keep in mind that skin scrubbing cannot be done if there is severe inflammation and acne on the face.

Oatmeal is rich in various beneficial substances. It has a positive effect on digestion, removes toxins and waste from the body, strengthens the immune system and cardiac system, and helps in the fight against excess weight. In addition to using cereals as food, it can be used as a cosmetic product, which remarkably cleanses and rejuvenates the skin. For example, homemade scrubs are made from oatmeal. Let's look at recipes with this product and their benefits.

Let's figure out what substances are contained in oatmeal, what makes it so healing for the epidermis?

  • Polysaccharides. Natural moisturizers.
  • Antioxidants. Protects the skin and rejuvenates it.
  • B vitamins. They affect complexion, prevent skin aging and protect it from external factors.
  • Vitamin RR. Improves the condition of facial skin.
  • Biotin. A lack of this vitamin results in dryness, flaking, inflammation and rashes.
  • Vitamin C. Very important for the skin: it stimulates the production of collagen, which maintains elasticity. Ascorbic acid promotes rejuvenation, and if there is a lack of it in the body, the skin will age faster and sag. In addition, vitamin C has a protective and restorative effect.
  • Vitamin E. Also has a powerful rejuvenating effect, smooths out wrinkles and makes the skin more elastic and toned. Additionally protects it from sunlight.
  • Thiamine. Another assistant in the fight against aging.
  • Retinol. Responsible for youth and healthy appearance of the skin. It will make it smooth, elastic, and improve blood circulation.
  • Zinc. Very useful for problem skin: it cleanses it, relieves inflammation, dries out acne.
  • Silicon. Fights dryness, flaking, as well as acne and rashes.

Many of these vitamins and substances are found in popular anti-aging and anti-acne products. You can even make powder, soap and bath bombs at home. Reviews from women who have tried such cosmetics on themselves are positive. Today we will look at recipes for scrubs made from this cereal.

Effect of oatmeal scrub, contraindications

What results can you expect from using homemade oatmeal products:

  • hydration. This is necessary for both dry and oily skin;
  • rejuvenation: porridge helps smooth out wrinkles, increase skin elasticity and tone;
  • with regular use of oatmeal scrub, itching, rash and dry skin will not bother you;
  • inflammation and irritation go away;
  • getting rid of acne;
  • normalization of sebum secretion. The oily sheen goes away;
  • cleansing pores. Oatmeal is suitable for those who suffer from blackheads;
  • your complexion will become fresher and healthier.

That is, oatmeal scrub is indicated for people with any skin type and will help combat various problems. What are its contraindications?

It is not advisable to use any type of scrub if you have:

  • too sensitive skin;
  • there is dermatitis, psoriasis or other dermatological diseases on the face;
  • blood vessels are located close to the skin (rosacea);
  • burns or wounds on the face;
  • fresh tan

The particles in the scrub can be harmful, so it is better to refrain from using it if you have very problematic skin.

The best oatmeal scrub recipes

1. Rejuvenating scrub at home.


  • oatmeal – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sea ​​salt – 1 tsp;
  • powdered milk – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • fresh milk – 0.5 tbsp;
  • orange essential oil (you can use other oils if desired) – 2-3 drops.


  • The milk must be heated to approximately 50°.
  • Add all other ingredients to it and mix thoroughly.
  • Leave this mixture for 30 minutes. Then you can apply it to your face.

Rub the scrub in for 1-3 minutes with light movements. Then rinse off and be sure to apply nourishing cream. Use this homemade scrub once a week for oily skin and once every 2 weeks for dry skin. Effect: rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles, increasing elasticity.

2. Oatmeal scrub for aging skin.


  • Olive oil – 20 ml.
  • Full fat milk – 20 ml.
  • Honey – 30 ml.
  • Oatmeal – 2 tbsp. l.


  • Heat milk and honey. Add oatmeal and butter to them, mix well.
  • Leave the mixture for 10 minutes, then use.

Apply the scrub to your face and massage for 3 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. This product perfectly nourishes the skin, tightens it, exfoliates dead cells and improves overall condition, and honey relieves inflammation and swelling.

3. Nourishing scrub with grape juice.

  • Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l. with a slide.
  • Sweet grapes - 3 berries.
  • Boiled water.
  • Remove the seeds from the grapes and crush them.
  • Mix berries with cereal and add warm water. It should be a paste.
  • Cover everything with a lid and let it brew for 5 minutes.

Apply the scrub with massage movements, then leave it on your face for a couple of minutes and rinse with warm water. This product tones and nourishes the skin well, further cleansing it.

4. Recipe for oily skin.

Eliminates oily shine and treats acne.

You will need:

  • Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Rice – 1 s. l.
  • Kefir or yogurt – 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  • Cereals need to be ground (in a blender or coffee grinder).
  • Add kefir or yogurt to this flour to make a paste.

Gently apply the scrub to your face, leave it on for a couple of minutes and rinse off.

5. Scrub for problem skin.


  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal.
  • 2 tbsp. l. Aloe juice.
  • Brown sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice.

The recipe is simple: mix all the products, if necessary, add a little boiling water to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Massage your face for 2-3 minutes. Then wash your face and apply nourishing cream. This scrub will help cope with acne and inflammation on the skin, and cleanse pores.

6. Moisturizing oatmeal facial scrub.

  • 1 tsp. rosehip oil
  • Argan oil – 1 tsp.
  • Fresh cucumber.
  • Oatmeal - a couple of spoons.
  • Milk.


  • Peel half a fresh cucumber and grate it.
  • Add oils and flakes to it.
  • Pour milk over everything until the mixture is thick. Cover it with a lid and let stand for 7 minutes.

Helps very well with dry skin.

7. Cleansing and anti-inflammatory scrub.


  • Honey – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Apple cider vinegar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Almonds – 30 g.
  • Oatmeal – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Grind the nuts.
  • Add flour, vinegar and honey to them, pour boiled water until a paste-like mixture is obtained.

Exfoliate for 5 minutes, then wash and moisturize your face with cream. Use it if you have oily, problematic skin and enlarged pores.

8. Soap-scrub.

There is a great way to save time - this is scrubbing soap. To make it at home, you will need:

  • Soap base or baby soap – 100 g.
  • Peach kernel oil – 1 tsp.
  • Jojoba oil – half a teaspoon.
  • Oatmeal – 3 tbsp. l.
  • 1 spoon of sour cream.
  • Essential oil with your favorite scent – ​​10 drops.


  • The soap base must be melted. To do this, cut it into small cubes and place it in a water bath (or microwave). It is important to remove it from the heat before it starts boiling!
  • While stirring, add sour cream. It should be warm, and not just from the refrigerator.
  • Without ceasing to stir, add oil.
  • At the end, throw in the oatmeal.
  • You need to let the mixture thicken a little and pour it into greased molds. Then put them in the refrigerator.
  • When the soap has completely hardened (this will take 2-3 weeks), you can take it out and use it for washing.

This soap is suitable for both oily and dry skin. It perfectly cleanses pores, exfoliates and nourishes at the same time.

Tips for using scrubs

To make the effect better, remember a few rules:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to open the pores. A steam bath with herbs (chamomile or mint) is suitable for this. You can also apply warm compresses.
  • The oatmeal scrub should be applied carefully so as not to injure the skin. Follow the massage lines.
  • The area around the eyes should not be touched.
  • If you have oily skin, keep the composition on your face for 3 minutes, and if you have dry skin, no more than one.
  • You need to use a fresh mixture.
  • Wash with warm water, then moisturize the skin with cream.

A homemade oat scrub can be used to cleanse not only your face, but your entire body. Basically, all recipes with oatmeal are very simple and quick to make. Reviews of such products indicate their real benefits. So why not try it?

To look good, you don't have to use expensive cosmetics. It is enough to know a few useful recipes for oatmeal scrubs that can easily be prepared at home.

Oatmeal scrub is an essential skin care product that helps make your skin soft and smooth. Every woman or girl, using a miracle mixture of natural ingredients prepared with her own hands, will feel the positive effects immediately.

Benefits of oatmeal scrub

Oatmeal is known for its absorbent properties. First of all, it is a source of fiber; therefore, using the product in food promotes the elimination of toxins and rapid metabolism. But, in addition to the fact that oatmeal can be added to food, it is recommended to be used to improve skin health. Scrubs with oatmeal have healing properties.

Oatmeal and flour are used for the procedure. These ingredients help exfoliate dead cells. With the help of this cereal it will be possible to smooth out scars and stimulate metabolic processes.

Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of oatmeal scrubs:

  • Cleanses the skin. The scrub draws out toxins from cells, cleansing pores.
  • Tones. Oats contain niacin and thiamine. These components stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. Over time, the skin becomes smooth and tightened.
  • Maintains water balance. Oatmeal scrub helps maintain water balance in the epidermal cells, so the skin will remain moisturized for a long time, which, in turn, makes it soft and silky.
  • Reduces scars. Acne often leaves small scars. They are difficult to disguise with foundation. Oatmeal gently evens out the texture of the face.
  • Improves blood circulation. Thanks to mucus, oatmeal stimulates interstitial blood flow. Accordingly, more vitamins enter the skin when using standard creams.
  • Reduces swelling. Oatmeal stimulates lymph flow. Thanks to this, swelling in the legs disappears.
  • Resolves wrinkles. Oatmeal contains many stimulants that help smooth the skin. Wrinkles on the body also disappear.
  • Promotes skin regeneration. Dietary fiber, which is part of the cereal, is perfectly absorbed through the soft tissues of the body. They envelop and bind cholesterol, bile and fatty acids, removing them from the body and promoting the renewal of the dermis.
  • Gets rid of acne and blackheads. Using an oatmeal scrub, you can solve some problems with the skin of the face and body, namely, rid it of keratinized (dead) cells, cleanse it of dirt, and significantly reduce the appearance of acne and blackheads.
  • Prevents dry skin problems. Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, especially dry skin. It can prevent itching, remove irritation and flaking, which is inherent in the dry type of dermis.
  • Promotes wound healing. Vitamin E, which is contained in oatmeal in fairly large quantities, works as an antioxidant, rejuvenates and promotes the healing of minor damage to it.

Contraindications to the use of oatmeal scrub

Oatmeal scrubs, despite their completely natural composition, do not always have a good effect on the condition of the dermis. The fact is that oats contain small exfoliating particles. They can injure very thin and sensitive skin.

Oatmeal scrub, like any cosmetic product, has its limitations in use. It is extremely important to remember the following contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy. This period is special for all women, because quite serious changes occur in the body. It is for this reason that many body care procedures are prohibited. Of course, oatmeal can extremely rarely cause any negative reactions, but whether it’s worth the risk is up to the expectant mother to decide. In addition, scrubs, in addition to oatmeal, often contain honey and essential oils, which can cause allergic reactions.
  2. Sensitive skin. This epidermis is distinguished by its thinness. He is very easy to injure. Accordingly, oat scrubs should not be used for peeling sensitive skin.
  3. Dermatological diseases during exacerbation. If you have eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis, then scrubs with oatmeal are contraindicated. They will make the situation worse.
  4. Wounds and cuts. If there are deep lesions on the skin, avoid scrubbing. If the paste gets into wounds, it can cause inflammation and even suppuration. First of all, oatmeal mucus is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. Burns and ulcers. The list of serious injuries also includes burns or ulcers, and in such cases it is better to avoid peeling with oatmeal so as not to aggravate the already unpleasant pain. Oatmeal itself is harmless, but the scrub may contain components that can slow down the healing process. Wait until all wounds heal and only then apply the product.
  6. Cuperosis. Oatmeal improves blood circulation in tissues and dilates blood vessels. Accordingly, it is contraindicated for vascular mesh and asterisks.
  7. Venous diseases. If a person has venous nodes, then it is better to avoid such procedures altogether. If the damaged areas are small, you can simply not use them.
  8. Fresh tan. After sunbathing, you should not use an oatmeal scrub. This can not only ruin the bronze tone of the skin, but also increase its sensitivity. At the same time, the risk of developing age spots increases significantly, which is undesirable for any person.

If a woman or man is prone to allergic reactions, then some oatmeal-based products may be contraindicated. Therefore, before using the scrub, it is better to do a small test on one area of ​​the body. The back of the elbow is suitable for this. For allergy sufferers, it is better to give preference to components with a slight exfoliating effect.

Composition and components of oat flakes

Oatmeal can be used for different types of epidermis, as they are absolutely universal. The product is quite popular in cosmetology, and such procedures have been used for a long time. The flakes have an excellent nutritional base, which cosmetologists could not ignore.

Let's take a closer look at what is included in oatmeal and what makes it so healthy:

  • Phytic acid. This component perfectly moisturizes, smoothes and rejuvenates the skin. Without a sufficient amount of phytic acid, the dermis begins to lose its tone and noticeably dry out.
  • Selenium. This substance is an antioxidant. Selenium fights free radicals, thereby slowing down the processes of aging, sagging and sagging skin.
  • Zinc. Oatmeal contains large amounts of this trace element, which helps control hormonal imbalances. With regular use of flakes on the epidermis, there is a noticeable reduction in the number of pimples, blackheads and other similar formations.
  • Vitamin E. We talked about the benefits of this component above.
  • Polysaccharides. Necessary for dry, moisture-deprived dermis. Active polysaccharides prevent sagging cheeks.
  • B vitamins. These components significantly increase protective functions, help rapid regeneration and restoration of individual epidermal cells.

Scrubs made from this healthy and truly miraculous grain help to noticeably refresh the skin of the entire body. In addition, oatmeal goes well with almost any other, no less healthy, natural product.

Oatmeal body scrub recipes

Many girls think that they only need to take care of their face, so they pay little attention to their body. In fact, exfoliating your body regularly helps prevent the formation of cellulite and makes your skin firmer.

Homemade oatmeal scrub with milk

Milk nourishes the skin, so it is often combined with oatmeal to scrub the body. In addition, milk breaks down fat capsules and helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Recipes for body scrubs with milk and oatmeal:

  1. With milk powder. Pour a handful of Hercules flakes into the container. They do not need to be crushed or ground beforehand. Add 2 tablespoons of dry milk to the cereal. Pour the dry mixture with regular warm milk, you need 50 ml. The result will be a paste-like mass. Apply it to problem areas and massage. It is advisable to lie in warm water before the manipulation, this will open the pores. Leave the scrub on for 5 minutes. Remove with plain water. Lubricate your body with your favorite moisturizer.
  2. With dry and liquid milk. In order to prepare a gentle mixture, you need to take one tablespoon of oatmeal, one teaspoon of powdered milk and regular liquid milk. After mixing the dry ingredients, they should be poured with well-heated milk until a paste forms, placed in a container, wrapped in a thick cloth and allowed to brew for seven to ten minutes. The scrub is applied to well-cleaned areas of the skin with massage movements, after which it is washed off with regular warm water. If you have dry skin, then after the procedure you need to moisturize it with cream.
  3. With warm milk. Pour 30 g of oatmeal into a bowl. Heat some milk in the microwave. Add it to the cereal and stir. Wait 15 minutes. It is necessary that the container is closed all this time. After the oatmeal has softened, apply the paste to your skin. Massage the epidermis. Leave on for 5-7 minutes and remove with a damp cloth. You can take a shower. After this, pat your body dry with a towel and lubricate the skin with cream.
  4. With olive oil. This product not only exfoliates dead particles, but also nourishes the epidermis. Typically, this scrub is recommended for women over 30 years old, when the skin is not quite taut and elastic. Pour a handful of raw oats into a bowl and add 20 ml of high-fat whole milk and olive oil. Inject 30 ml of warm bee nectar. The paste will be viscous and sticky. Apply the scrub to your body and massage it a little. Leave for 3 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. With sour milk. Grind 30 g of rice in a coffee grinder. It is necessary to make flour. Mix it with 2 tablespoons of Hercules flakes. Enter sour milk, it should be full-fat. You can add yogurt instead. Lubricate the problem areas with the mixture and massage a little. Leave for 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  6. With milk and sea salt. To prepare a scrub to combat sagging skin, you need to mix two tablespoons of oatmeal, half a glass of milk heated to 50 degrees, half a glass of dry milk and a teaspoon of salt, preferably sea salt. The resulting mixture must stand in a warm place for at least half an hour. To achieve better results, you can add a few drops of any essential oil. The scrub is rubbed into the skin with light patting movements. If you use it regularly, then after a short period of time you will notice positive changes - the skin will become smooth, elastic and refreshed. No matter how much you would like to get rid of sagging dermis, you should not use the scrub more than three times a week. For oily skin, these procedures should be reduced to once every 7 days. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate the epidermis with moisturizer. The time of applying the scrub is also of great importance: for oily skin - 3 minutes, for normal skin - 2 minutes, for dry skin - one. If you do not follow these rules, the dermis will quickly become depleted.

Body scrub with oatmeal and honey

Honey is one of the most useful products not only for strengthening the immune system and treating ailments of internal organs, but also for healing the skin. It is a nourishing component and is often used in the preparation of face and body masks.

Recipes for body scrubs with oatmeal and honey:

  • With aloe. This product is ideal for girls with oily skin prone to scarring. It is necessary to peel 3 aloe leaves and grind them in a blender. Add a handful of Hercules flakes and 3 tablespoons of warm bee nectar to the paste. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil. Mix the composition and apply it to the skin. It is necessary to rub the epidermis for 3-8 minutes. Rinse off using warm water.
  • With green tea leaves. To make a scrub at home, you will need the following ingredients: oatmeal, honey, grape seed oil and green tea leaves. Honey mass has healing and antibacterial properties, soothes and restores skin cells. Grapeseed oil cleanses and moisturizes it. The scrub components are taken in the following proportions: two tablespoons of finely ground oatmeal, one tablespoon each of honey and crushed green tea leaves, a few drops of grape oil. Mix all the ingredients. You should get a sticky mixture of thick consistency, which is applied to the problem area in an even layer for two minutes. After this, rub the mixture into the skin with light massaging movements for another two minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • With coffee. Coffee perfectly stimulates metabolic processes and helps get rid of the appearance of cellulite. Accordingly, this product can be added to body scrubs with oatmeal. Pour 40 g of cereal into a small bowl and add to it a spoonful of coffee grounds that remain after drinking the drink. Enter 30 ml of honey. Using a brush or spatula, stir the paste and set aside for 10 minutes. Take the mixture a little at a time and apply it to the skin. Massage for 3-5 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. After the procedure, lubricate problem areas with anti-cellulite cream.
  • With grape seed and jojoba oil. This scrub is more suitable for women who often suffer from dry skin. The combination of honey and oils will help make it tender and soft. Pour a handful of flakes into a bowl and add 20 ml each of grape seed and jojoba oil. Add a spoonful of bee nectar. Average and apply to the epidermis, massage for 2-7 minutes. Rinse off using warm water.
  • With almond or coconut oil. The recipe is based on three ingredients: oatmeal, honey and one of the essential oils - almond or coconut. The oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the epidermal cells. To prepare the scrub, grind half a glass of oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder. To the resulting mass, add one tablespoon of honey collection and a few drops of base oil. To dilute the mixture, mix it with a small amount of boiled water or herbal tea. The result should be a fairly thick and sticky paste, which should be applied with massage movements to previously cleansed skin. Carry out the procedure for several minutes, after which leave the scrub on the skin for a while, and then rinse with very warm, but not hot, boiled water. After this procedure, every skin cell will be filled with useful substances and will breathe.
  • With tea tree oil. This mixture has a bactericidal effect on the skin. The home-prepared mass relieves any inflammation and redness. In one container, mix two tablespoons of ground oatmeal, one teaspoon of aloe pulp with freshly squeezed juice and one teaspoon of honey. We dilute the resulting mass to a pulp with pre-boiled water at room temperature. Finally, we add a few drops of tea tree oil, which is famous for its healing properties. This scrub very gently cleanses the epidermis and relieves various inflammatory processes.

Important! Any essential oils should be used with extreme caution. If a person has a tendency to allergies, then you need to check the skin reaction in one of the areas of the body in advance. It is better to do this on the wrist.

Oatmeal scrub for cellulite with cereal

Fat deposits on the body are the worst enemy of many representatives of the fair sex. To get rid of the “orange peel”, it is not enough to eat right or go to the gym. It is very important to have external effects on such skin with cosmetics. It is for this reason that scrubs are an essential part of the complex of actions to get rid of cellulite.

Here are several recipes for scrubs with oatmeal and various types of cereals:

  1. From corn grits. To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of oatmeal, some corn flakes, a teaspoon of powdered sugar and two tablespoons of olive oil (in extreme cases, vegetable oil). Massage the problem areas with the resulting mixture for several minutes. Before the procedure, you need to take a hot shower so that your body is well steamed.
  2. From corn and buckwheat groats. To prepare this product, we will need 25 grams of oatmeal, fine corn flour and crushed buckwheat, 50 grams of powdered sugar, a tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil. Mix all the ingredients until mushy and rub vigorously into the problem area for two minutes. The result after such a peeling product will not take long to wait. The skin will change, become smoother and softer. If you use the scrub periodically, the elasticity of the dermis will noticeably increase.

Remember! Scrubs are best applied to a damp, steamed body, ideally after an anti-cellulite massage.

How to make an oatmeal scrub with vegetables

In addition to honey, milk and cereals, vegetables and fruits work great with oatmeal. Here are a few recipes for body scrubs based on them:

  • With cucumber. Perfect for the delicate décolleté area, which tends to age earlier than other areas of the body. The homemade mixture can be used both for the purpose of prevention and to slow down the processes of skin aging that have already begun. So, grate one fresh cucumber on a fine grater, mix it with pre-chopped flakes. Season the resulting mixture with low-fat natural yogurt (without preservatives or additives). If yogurt is not available, it can be replaced with ordinary homemade sour cream. All three ingredients are taken in equal proportions. To achieve an amazing effect, cosmetologists advise adding a few drops of jojoba essential oil. Apply the mixture to the décolleté area, hold for about 5-10 minutes, then rinse with well-heated (but not very hot) water.
  • Tomato scrub. Great for people with oily epidermis. Take three ripe red tomatoes and chop them finely. Grind the oatmeal, pre-soaked in warm water for several hours until porridge forms, with chopped tomatoes and add a couple of drops of milk. The resulting mass should be applied to the body in a circular motion and washed off after 5 minutes. After the first procedures, you can notice positive changes. Thanks to this recipe, the pores will be cleansed, the skin will become less oily and will acquire a healthier appearance and pleasant color.

Oatmeal facial scrub recipes

Facial skin especially needs good care and thorough exfoliation of dead cells. There are many recipes for different types of epidermis based on oatmeal with the addition of various components.

We present the most effective of them:

  1. With raspberries. Fruit acids gently exfoliate dead particles. In addition, they help reduce age spots. The fact is that the substances contained in fruits stimulate the uniform distribution of melanin in the skin. Over time, the dark spots will become less noticeable. Grind a handful of raspberries or strawberries in a blender or meat grinder. Combine puree with oatmeal. Add a couple of drops of orange oil. Average the mixture. You need to let it stand for 15 minutes. Apply to facial skin. Massage for 7 minutes. Rinse off using warm water.
  2. With rice grains and olive oil. To prepare the scrub, you need to mix a teaspoon of powdered sugar, a tablespoon of oatmeal, a spoonful of rice grains (pre-crushed in a coffee grinder) and 1.5-2 tablespoons of sour cream until a homogeneous paste is formed. To soften the effect of the scrub, you can add a little olive oil. The mixture should not be too thin or too thick. Apply the product to previously cleansed facial skin with smooth movements. You can do a light massage. Rinse the scrub with warm water and apply moisturizer. After this procedure, which is recommended to be done before bed, the epidermis takes on an incredibly beautiful, fresh and well-groomed appearance. The product is indispensable in the winter season, when the delicate skin on the face constantly freezes and exfoliates.
  3. With rice and sour cream. The recipe is ideal for those who want to get rid of unpleasant oily shine and cleanse clogged pores. To prepare the scrub, thoroughly grind white rice grains and oatmeal in a mixer. Each of the cereals should be poured in equal proportions - one to one. To form a creamy mixture, add the required amount of low-fat sour cream without preservatives and various additives. After this, gently exfoliate with gentle movements and leave the scrub on for a few minutes. At the end of the procedure, it must be washed off with running warm water. It is worth noting that after just a few sessions the number of acne and rashes significantly decreases.

Oatmeal facial scrub is a universal skin care product. Oatmeal is a great helper in losing weight. It contains a lot of fiber and other useful substances. How to make an oatmeal scrub and prepare it at home - read our article!

0This healthy cereal combines healing properties to improve the functioning of skin cells and intestines

Oatmeal is a simple ingredient for making homemade peels. Products based on them deeply cleanse pores, remove dirt from the surface of the skin, soften and moisturize it, and have a gentle exfoliating effect.

Oatmeal facial scrub can cope with many tasks:

  • eliminate acne and oily shine;
  • tighten pores and make acne scars less noticeable;
  • moisturize dry skin and give it a healthy appearance;
  • smooth out wrinkles, give elasticity.

The mixture can be used simultaneously as a peeling and as a mask, leaving it on the face for 10-15 minutes

How to make an oatmeal scrub

Oatmeal promotes regeneration and restoration of the body, has a positive effect on metabolism, softens and moisturizes the skin.

It's no secret how to make a scrub from oatmeal. Its simplest recipe will take just a few minutes, and all the ingredients can be found in any kitchen.

To make an oatmeal facial scrub, take a handful of oatmeal and soak it in warm water. Then massage your face with this mixture for about 2-3 minutes and wash your face with water at room temperature.

A big advantage of such cosmetics is also its affordable price.

How to properly use oatmeal facial scrubs

The peeling effect will be almost instantaneous. But for the procedure to bring real benefits, oatmeal peels must be used correctly.

  1. Warm up your facial skin - wash it with warm water or take a steam bath.
  2. Make soft and gentle movements, following the massage lines.
  3. Avoid the skin around the eyes and remember about the décolleté area - the mixture will not harm it.
  4. Massage the skin for about 5 minutes, then leave the product on it for another 2-3 minutes.
  5. Complete the procedure by washing with room temperature water and applying moisturizer.

Oatmeal colon scrub recipe

Oatmeal is good for the gastrointestinal tract. They remove toxins from the body and help in weight loss.

Oatmeal colon cleanse

Oatmeal colon scrub , The recipe for which is given below is a healthy healthy breakfast. To prepare it you will need:

  • 5 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • 5 tablespoons of boiled water;
  • 1 tablespoon boiled milk;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • 5 pieces of walnuts or hazelnuts.

Oatmeal intestinal scrub - recipe:

  1. Pour chilled boiled water over the flakes. They can be soaked overnight or in the morning for about 20 minutes.
  2. Add milk, honey and nuts to them. Mix everything well. All other ingredients should be added before eating the porridge.

To make stomach peeling from oatmeal for weight loss effective, follow these recommendations.

  1. It is necessary to eat porridge for the intestines in the morning on an empty stomach. It should be chewed thoroughly and should not be washed down with anything. It is better to drink a couple of glasses of water before taking it.
  2. A second full breakfast can be consumed no earlier than 3 hours after the porridge. You can eat everything as usual.
  3. To get rid of excess weight, eat porridge every morning for a month. If you do not set a goal to lose weight, then two times a week with an interval of a couple of days is enough to cleanse the intestines.

Those who are losing weight will have to acquire a healthy oatmeal habit. Peeling will remove metal salts and other toxins from the body, which will improve the condition of the skin and complexion. With its regular use, acidity will decrease and the functioning of the nervous system will improve.

But you shouldn’t get carried away with this product - it is not suitable for all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Oatmeal only contributes to weight loss. To make your stomach and sides go away faster, do extra sports.

Recipes for making oatmeal scrub at home

Oatmeal facial scrub at home is an almost universal remedy, suitable even for sensitive skin. There are many different ways and recipes for preparing it.

Oatmeal facial peeling with cane sugar

  • To cleanse your face of acne and relieve inflammation, use an oatmeal facial scrub with cane sugar. Mix 2 tablespoons of cereal, 15 grams of brown sugar, 40 ml of aloe juice and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mass with massage movements on your face for 3-5 minutes and rinse with cool water. A simpler recipe is peeling made from honey and salt. Use 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, a teaspoon of liquid honey, 5 grams of table salt and a teaspoon of olive oil for it.
  • You can cleanse your face of blackheads or comedones using an almond scrub. Grind 1 tablespoon of almonds and add to it 25 grams of oatmeal, a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of aloe juice. If the composition is very thick, dilute it with a small amount of warm water.
  • To remove age spots and whiten the skin, lemon scrub will be effective. Mix 25 grams of rolled oats with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a small amount of low-fat yogurt or kefir. An oatmeal-cucumber mixture is also good for coping with this problem. Combine half a tablespoon of fresh grated cucumber with 16 grams of oatmeal; for oily skin, add a teaspoon of wheat flour to the mixture.
  • Nourishing moisturizing peeling based on oatmeal is also suitable for all skin types. To prepare a peeling with soda, use one tablespoon each of baking soda and flakes. Let the mixture brew in a sealed container for 5-7 minutes. As soon as it hardens into a paste, it can be applied to the face. For the recipe with rosehip, you will need more ingredients - 40 grams of fresh grated cucumber, 6 ml each of argan oil and rosehip oil, 2 tablespoons of rolled oats and 16 ml of milk. The mixture should also sit for 5-7 minutes.

Scrub for normal skin

Oatmeal facial scrub is universal. But still, it is better to use recipes that suit your type. For normal skin the following will be effective:

  1. pumpkin scrub - mash 1 tablespoon of pumpkin pulp with 1 teaspoon of oatmeal, add the same amount of walnut flour with vegetable oil, rinse everything with warm water;
  2. sour cream peeling - mix a tablespoon of sour cream with the same amount of flakes, after using the scrub - wash with warm water;
  3. tonic mixture - seedless grape berries (5-6 pieces), grind with 1 tablespoon of rolled oats and add a little boiled water, when the mixture sits under the lid for 5 minutes - massage your face with it and leave it for 10 minutes, rinse everything off with room water temperature.

Scrub for dry skin

Dry skin needs more gentle treatments. The optimal ones for her would be:

  • egg scrub - mix half a tablespoon of oatmeal and any ground nuts with egg yolk and a teaspoon of sour cream, apply the mixture to your face, massage and rinse with warm water;
  • gentle peeling - combine a tablespoon of rolled oats with half a spoon of dry milk and pour a small amount of hot milk over everything, let the mixture brew for 5-7 minutes and use the pulp while still warm, as an option - replace the milk components with carrot juice;

Almond peeling for dry skin

  • almond scrub - mix a teaspoon of ground almonds and ground flakes with a tablespoon of fat sour cream and yolk, carry out the procedure, and upon completion, apply a moisturizer.

Scrub for oily and combination skin

Oily and combination skin also needs certain care. They will benefit greatly from oatmeal scrubs with the addition of natural ingredients.

Flour and oatmeal peeling

  • Rice-oat scrub. Grind equal amounts of rice and rolled oats in a coffee grinder and add kefir or yogurt to this flour to make a thick cream. Gently apply the mixture and after the massage, leave it for 3 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
  • Scrub made from flakes and flour. Use half a tablespoon of wheat flour (can be replaced with starch or oatmeal) and rolled oats. Pour a small amount of boiled water over the dry ingredients and add a couple of drops of lemon juice. Rinse off the composition with cool water.
  • Egg-hercules scrub. Mix 1 egg white with half a tablespoon of oatmeal, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Scrub your face and leave the mixture on for a couple of minutes. Wash your face with water at room temperature.

Contraindication to the use of oatmeal scrubs

No matter how useful oatmeal peels may seem, like any cosmetic products, they have their contraindications. For example, with frequent use of intestinal scrub, calcium is washed out of the body. Phytic acid accumulates in it. Which is not good for your health at all.

It is worth noting that such cleansing procedures must be carried out regularly.

General contraindications to the use of oatmeal scrubs are as follows:

  1. individual sensitivity - allergic reactions to the components of the product.
  2. dermatological diseases - dermatitis, psoriasis and others.
  3. hypersensitive skin - the thin epidermis is easily injured during peeling.
  4. damage to the skin - wounds and cuts, ulcers and burns.
  5. circulatory disorders - venous diseases and rosacea.
  6. a fresh tan means the appearance of age spots and irritation.
  7. pregnancy - facial scrubbing, stomach and intestinal cleansing with folk remedies are prohibited.

If they do not apply to you, then you can safely use oatmeal scrub recipes for your beauty and health.