Short wishes for a Happy New Year. Short Happy New Year Wishes New Year Wishes Happiness Health

Light snow flows under the sky,
And the Christmas trees are lit with garlands.
Happy New Year on a night like this
Everyone will be happy with each other.
Let sorrows, problems and sorrows
Everything will melt like snow on thin ice
May you be joyful and happy in 2018!

You have so much
To become twice as happy!
So stand right here
More successful and loved by everyone!

Let Santa Claus have a crimson nose
He will make a contribution to your savings book,
Snow Maiden secretly all year
Gives him good cognac,
And Santa Claus is out of the bag
The currency snowball will shake!

Happy 2018 New Year of the Dog greetings

Take it with you to hell
All problems, Old Year!
I want free traffic
Wine and vodka factory,
A hundred cell phones around my neck,
To seem cooler than everyone else,
Parabellum in a sword belt,
Hat - natural fur,
Two wagons of crumpled bucks,
There are three lemons of our money,
Vacation for ten years
(Behind the hill to play tricks),
Lighter from Versace,
Towel from Dior,
Three-story country house
And the yard is full of supplies,
Yacht, Lexus of a new brand,
Presidential plane,
It's a pity that all my gifts
Santa Claus won't tell...

Let everything be covered with snow, ice,
And outside the window there is an evil cold, -
A holiday comes to every home,
The one we love and really need,
He gives a fairy tale, magic,
And drives away all adversity,
We've been waiting for it for a whole year!
Happy New Year to everyone!

The Years of Fire are coming to an end -
Burning Macaque and Rooster!
To endure the remnants of bad weather
We live in labor, tirelessly!

But peace awaits us ahead!
And the Year of the Dog awaits us ahead!
Not in the sense of the Year of "drunkenness and debauchery"
But only in the sense of the Zodiac Sign!

Yes, Yellow Earth Dog
Promises Peace, Harmony, Progress!
And hiding Passions and Violent Morals,
A dog will provide us with success!

She will endow us with a Career and Peace!
This Year will be without Wars and Discord!
Just have to wait a little longer and
Happy New Year with a Smile! Forward!

So what, it’s a dog year.
They say: “Now hold on!”
But that doesn’t mean at all
What a dog's life it will be.
You can get along with this beast:
If you caress him
And gently stroke the fur,
His tail will wag.
Yes, the dog is a friend and watchman,
Unselfish and smart.
Her owner is loving and dear to her,
And she is faithful to him.
Profit, joy and luck
Very soon it will bring
Maybe a little biting,
But this year is welcome.
Colleagues, please allow me
Congratulate you now
Dogs start the year
Happy dream once again!

You trust yourself
In planned matters
And notice the happiness
After all, happiness is in the little things!

New Year is coming,
The dog barks at the doorstep,
May he bring happiness
There is a lot of peace and prosperity,
Let there be no wars and troubles,
I wish you health
Longevity, victories,
Happy New Year!
Happy Year of the Dog, I congratulate you
I wish you happiness, good luck, health,
So that you will always be loved,
So that she does not know resentment and evil!
May life fulfill all your dreams,
Peace, success to you, beauty!
Across the snowy expanses
The Dog rushes into the New Year,
Because very soon
The Rooster's time will pass,

Happy New Year!
And I wish you to live long,
Getting rich, prospering,
Believe in the best, love!

Cherish family, friends,
Reach great heights
Let the house be filled with guests
On the glorious New Year holiday!

Happy New Year.

The year flew by like a comet,
Brought a lot of joy.
The sun is shining hot somewhere
And Santa Claus is coming to us!

Congratulations on the New Year of the Dog

Let what you dreamed about
This night will bring you.
It’s not in vain that you waited a lot,
Winter holiday New Year!

It's a little cold outside,
But we don’t care about the cold.
Happy New Year to you guys!
Let's celebrate the holiday warmly!

Year of the Dog. Poems for the holiday

New Year is a holiday of joy,
There is no anger or nastiness on this day.
All grievances and quarrels will be forgotten,
And any wishes will come true.
Only warmth for your home,
And hope and faith... Good!
Yellow Dog is your best friend -
He will suddenly get money
Will bring fun to your home,
Will provide housewarming:
In the gilded palace
Yes, with security on the porch.
May it bring good luck
This bright New Year!

Congratulatory poems for the New Year holidays in the year of the Dog

Happy New Year, team!
I wish you positivity!
Both in business and in the family Always be on top!
Don't need, don't suffer,
And don’t count a penny!
To be successful and rich,
Happy New Year to you guys!

New Year of the Dog. Congratulatory poems for the holiday

New Year is knocking on the door.
Congratulations! All the best!
We believe only in the best!
It's time to raise a glass.
Congratulations, may you smile
They decorate the earthly path.
All the troubles and mistakes
Let them run away!

Congratulations on the Year of the Dog - The Best

May the New Year be a happy star,
Will enter your family comfort,
Hastily with the old year
Let all the troubles go away!

Let every day warm you with warmth,
And it will bring a lot of happiness,
And all doubts will be dispelled,
New Year arrived at midnight!

New Year's greetings for friends, family and loved ones.

Today the long-awaited day is coming,
Happy New Year 2018!
And a miracle happens in our lives!
After all, he is calling us to a good fairy tale!

And the main thing is that on a magical holiday,
In the pleasant New Year's bustle,
Of all the troubles and varied affairs,
Found the right path to your dream!
The Year of the Dog is coming to us,
Under the window the snowdrift is getting higher and higher,
The blizzard sings merrily
And the roofs are covered with snow,

The house smells like pie
The tree is blinking merrily,
All the relatives are at the table,
Happy New Year!

I wish everyone only victories,
Happiness, joy, health,
To live to be a hundred years old,
In peace, together and with love!
The Year of the Dog is coming,
There's bitter frost outside,
Happy New Year!
Let him be the best!

I want to wish you fun
Peace, happiness and victories,
Prosperity, luck
And health for a hundred years!
In the Year of the Dog I want to wish
Happiness, peace, love and victories,
So that you can relax at sea,
So that you are healthy, like an athlete

New Year is knocking on the window,
Everything will happen very soon:
The Christmas tree will sparkle with lights,
Santa Claus will come rushing in on his sleigh.

In such a magical moment,
Happiness, joy, goodness,
Lots of affection and warmth.

Let them surround you
Only true friends.
Celebrate, have fun,
Don't skimp on smiles.

The lights came on on the tree.
The New Year is already halfway there.
I wish you so many blessings
How much can you carry?

May you have New Year's gifts
Delights the soul, eyes and pocket.
Let all thoughts be noble,
And matters were resolved elegantly.

So that you have abundant health,
And may love surround your home.
We wish you sun, success, discoveries,
Wishing you happiness and laughter throughout this year!

New Year's poems for the Year of the Dog

A dog is a man's friend,
To save us from torment,
This year too, she
He will tell us: “Yes, I will help!”

Comic congratulations on the Year of the Dog - in verse

You bloom and smell like poppies,
And hold your chest like a wheel.
Let the wounds heal like on a dog,
And joy will be your faithful dog!

You, colleagues and friends,
Sharing the feast,
With the arrival of the “year of the dog”
Call it "Dog Year"
There is no big desire
Sometimes God gives a dog
Not life, but punishment.
Although the result of her merits
Not counted for centuries,
The dog is our faithful friend,
And good defense.
Requiring no fees or benefits
For impeccable service,
The dog basically lives
Not knowing our friendship.
It's a different matter for males -
They're in a pack of dogs
No matter what share they bear -
At least the bitches would be in favor.
Therefore, any of you
Let (unlike a dog)
Lives in 2018
Without any complications:
Let the puppies be happy with their minds
And strict discipline
God grant not a kennel, but a house,
Yes, with a dacha and a car,
So that it’s not like a dog and a cat,
And at the office
The boss was wagging his tail at you,
Didn't iron against the grain.
May God grant a reasonable country,
So that everyone living in it
Didn't howl sadly at the moon
From oppressive difficulties...
For nobles and mongrels,
For color and breed,
Today we'll drink to the dogs,
And the favor of the year!

Short Congratulations on the New Year of the Dog 2018

The Year of the Dog will come very soon,
Let him bring money to everyone,
Health and cheerful enthusiasm,
The desire to always go forward!
May your plans and hopes come true,
Work brings joy and success,
May everything be more beautiful than before
And let happy laughter sound everywhere!

Santa Claus on New Year's Eve
May it give you happiness!
And luck and wealth
All at once!

Let the Snow Maiden watch
For men's health.
To be satisfied and full,
Warms you up with love!

Let only deer have antlers
They will be above the fireplace.
From awkward positions
It won't be bad.

At work, let the boss
Considers him a deity
And a salary every month
Multiplies three times.

Let this year give
Women and banknotes.
Be more careful
In the year of the crazy Dog!

Everyone's favorite holiday is coming,
This means there is no time for us to be discouraged.
The dog hurries towards us, wagging its tail,
She wants to give love and happiness.
I wish you a happy ride,
Without burdens and unnecessary fuss.
Let your road know no end,
And your cherished dreams will come true!

May the wizard have a good New Year
Doubles your income like in a fairy tale
And, increasing your weight in society,
A white Mercedes will drive under the door,

In the living room he will change the set,
Pamper yourself with a haute couture suit
And a blue mink jacket,
May life become a wonderful dream!

May the New Year bring
A whole snow dance
Amazing pleasures
Incredible impressions.
So that feelings burn in the hearts,
Cabbage grew in the wallets.
So that the tank is always full,
Mansion abroad.
To Santa Claus
I brought gifts all year long!

*** Put your problems in your luggage
And forget to pick it up later,
On New Year's Day with a new theme -
In any condition!

Everything will come true, believe me
And don't think about anything else
Happiness is waiting for you at the door.
Happy New Year! Everything is in a bundle!
*** I wish you a whole cart of health,
Welfare trailer,
Always in a great mood
And good luck not to lose the recipe!
Let her be inspired
The soul is full of hope all year long,
And the body will be hardened
From all diseases and troubles!
*** Congratulations
They will be extremely short:
Let it be cool in the New Year,
Forget about the word "bad"
There’s so much money to count,
And don’t forget to eat some tasty treats.
Have fun and enjoy
Just smile all year long!
*** I wish you to have so much fun,
So as not to fall under the tree,
So as not to fall asleep in the salad,
Really party!

So that my head remains clear,
And life has always been wonderful!
More financial freedom
Love, warmth! And happy New Year!
*** And a barrel of caviar for you, and a wheelbarrow of gold,
And just enough Gazprom shares for my nest egg.
May the coming year make you happy.
Health, fun, pleasant troubles!

Less deer, more luck
And only simple, good tasks.
Let success become inevitable along the way,
And every morning - tender and gentle.

Happy New Year people!
Happiness to you, love to the bottom!
May luck be like rings
Ringed forever!
How long have we been waiting for the holiday?
Everyone is so tired of the bustle,
New Year has arrived
Covered everyone with hope!

Dear ones, you are my dear ones!
I wish you peace and love!
And light, and goodness, and long years!
And happy New Year's greetings!
Days, years, centuries pass
And now the Dog is wagging its tail
Has replaced the Rooster,
And I wish you a Happy New Year!

I wish you earthly blessings, love, goodness,
Sincere smiles and a lot of laughter,
So that they live happily, without troubles and evil,
Victory and success to you in all matters!

Kind and funny, beautiful and funny song adaptations for the Year of the Dog

Year of the Dog (song-adaptation to music by V. Shainsky “If you went on a journey with a friend”)

Although a long way has come,
Although a long way has come,
The road is calling again!
The chicken year cannot be returned,
The chicken year cannot be returned,
The dog is already at the doorstep!

Chorus: We sing with happiness,
The Dog and I will go,
Together we will not be lost!
We sing with happiness
The Dog and I will go,
Together we will not be lost!

The Dog and I are lucky
The Dog and I are lucky -
You can trust everything!
It's cozy and warm with her,
It's cozy and warm with her,
It's worrying without her!

Chorus: We don’t care about trouble,
If we go with a friend,
Together we will not be lost!
We don't care about trouble
If we go with a friend,
Together we will not be lost!

We are coming to you, our dear Dog,
We are coming to you, our dear Dog,
Let's grow in soul!
In the heat, fog and frost,
In the heat, fog and frost
Good with you!

Chorus: We don’t care about trouble,
If we go with a friend,
Together we will not be lost!
We sing with happiness
The Dog and I will go,
Together we won't be lost

Song of the New Year, - Dogs (song-adaptation to the tune of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

(A saying based on the chorus of the song “... Jingle bell!”)

Do you want to believe it? Whether you like it or not!
I'll tell you a secret
What happens sometimes;
Once every twelve years.

(And now, the song itself, based on the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

In a pop version, or a similar melody in the country style.)
- For the first time in twelve years,
You're lucky to have me.
- “The Dog has come!” - You will say:

- For the first time in twelve years,
I'll kill you with my tail.
And you will immediately smile,
Letting me into the house.

Find out the secret of a dog's eyes
Don't spare them a bone.
And remember, once every twelve years,
The dog... is a guest in the house.
Your dreams will come true
And it will be a good year.
After all, as you met the Dog,
This is how you will spend the year.

For the first time in twelve years,
You're lucky to have me.

“Well, hello... - New Year!”
For the first time in twelve years
I'll kill you with my tail.
Fun, joy, and... success,
Let me into the house quickly.

Your dreams will come true,
You're lucky with me.
"Come, Dog!" - You will say:
“Well, hello... - New Year!”

Year of the Dog (song-adaptation based on the song from the film "Sorcerers")

A song for wives from a family skit

The rivers have cooled and the earth has cooled,
Dogs have been knocking on the door for a year.
So that you don't feel sad now
And sadness did not visit you today,
We sing you a song, we sing, we sing!

Chorus of the remake song:

They carry you in their arms
And they lead you into ecstasy,
Through life joking and laughing,
Three best fathers
Three cool males:
Kitten, little rat and me!

Love, believe me, has not cooled down in the heart,
Since we have children.
It wasn't difficult for you to tame us,
And so each one drove me crazy,
Why did the males stop walking to the left?

We've been living together great for a long time
In a multi-story kennel.
And the dog Red is scratching at our door -
It's not worth growling at us in vain,
After all, this year we will be doubly faithful!

Funny Happy New Year 2018 dog greetings will be nice to receive for both friends and colleagues. We have selected the most beautiful and interesting texts with good wishes. Readers can send official prose to their workmates and superiors. Funny SMS are perfect for congratulating friends. And short poems can be sent to relatives. We also found very beautiful and sweet prose for congratulating loved ones. Original examples are suitable for sending on the eve of New Year and Christmas.

Beautiful Happy New Year 2018 greetings to dogs in verse - examples of short texts

Short poems, despite their small size, can be used to wish for the best in the New Year. They can be sent to acquaintances, friends, relatives. We have selected the most beautiful congratulations in verse for the New Year 2018 for dogs. They include touching and sincere wishes for goodness, happiness and love.

Examples of beautiful short poems with congratulations for the New Year 2018 to a dog

With our examples of short and beautiful poems, it won’t be difficult to congratulate everyone you know on the New Year in an original way. Texts can be sent via SMS messages or instant messengers. If desired, it is recommended to supplement with pictures and personal wishes. If you can congratulate your friends on the upcoming New Year at a meeting, then it is better to rewrite beautiful poems on a purchased postcard. It should be presented with a gift or simply conveyed, supplemented with verbal wishes.

Happy New Year!
May there be a lot of luck
Don't let the bad things bother you
Let good things come.
Let it be a wonderful year,
Wonderful, kind, very cool.

Happy New Year,
I wish you all the best in the world,
So that life is like in a fairy tale -
Long, bright and beautiful.

May the year be joyful and unforgettable.
May it bring you a lot of good things.
Let all your expectations come true,
And luck will certainly come into life!

Start the new year with a clean slate.
Let the problems in the old dissolve,
And there will only be miracles in this,
Which will help you not to give up!

I wish this year
It was a hundred times better than the previous ones.
Good luck, good luck, all the beauties,
Have bright, cool and lucky days!

Short funny and cool congratulations on the New Year 2018 - texts of poems

You can send both beautiful and funny poems to your best friends. They will help cheer up the recipient. Funny works also contain kind, touching wishes. You can find short congratulations in funny and cool poems for the New Year 2018 in our selection.

Short poems with funny and cool congratulations in honor of the New Year 2018

Small funny poems are perfect for sending to all your friends. They can be used to wish Happy New Year by both adults and teenagers. Unusual texts will certainly appeal to all recipients. You just need to select a text with suitable wishes from the following examples:

I wish you a Happy New Year
Million to personal account
A yacht, a cottage in the Maldives,
Live richly and beautifully.
Fur coats for wives, jeep for husbands...
And great happiness to you!

Happy New Year.
I wish you happiness and joy.
May your health be good,
Wallet - tenacious for money!

I wish for the New Year,
So that the round dance circles you
Happiness, light, and warmth,
And fun and goodness,
A whirlpool of new feelings.
May the year be successful!

Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness and love!
There is joy and prosperity in the house.
There is order in all spheres of life!

The snow creaks underfoot,
The New Year is coming to you in a hurry.
It carries hope.
It will be better than the previous one!

Beautiful congratulations in prose on the New Year - to a friend, beloved man

Women choose New Year's greetings with special attention both for their loved ones and for male friends. Therefore, for the fair sex, we have selected beautiful prose with New Year congratulations for all occasions. With its help, they will be able to wish everyone they know a wonderful and bright future.

Prose with beautiful New Year greetings for friends

Beautiful wishes in prose are no better to send to friends than poetry. If desired, you can rewrite them in your own words or supplement them with personal wishes. For example, to wish fellow friends career growth and salary increases. But I wish loving guys to create strong bonds with their beloved. You can send beautiful prose to a friend by choosing it from our examples:

My dear friend! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish that it changes your life for the better! May the year be rich in joyful events and long-awaited meetings, pleasant surprises and expected amenities!

May waves of happiness, joy and success cover you in the new year! I wish you to maintain vital energy and a positive attitude throughout your life! May your family and friends never leave you! And may your home always shine with warm rays of prosperity, love and kindness!

My dear and dear friend, I wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you to achieve all your goals and make long-present dreams come true. May every day give you unforgettable impressions and the most vivid emotions, and may the coming year be the best in your life.

Happy New Year, my dear friend. I wish you to celebrate this holiday cheerfully and happily, to spend this year successfully and beautifully, filling it with great achievements, joyful events and pleasant moments. Let this year begin with luck and a good fairy tale. May you be surrounded by love and fun every day.

The New Year is ahead - a time of miracles. And I want to wish you that all your dreams will certainly come true. And the main thing is that health and luck do not leave you next year. Let everything that was planned become real in the coming year.

Beautiful congratulations in prose for the New Year for your loved one

To beautifully congratulate your loved one, it is not necessary to invent complex texts. Simple and sincere words in prose can be found in the options we have selected. It is also recommended to supplement them with beautiful pictures. Or you can simply read beautiful prose to your loved one when presenting a gift.

Darling, all I want to wish you in the new year is that you will certainly be happy. There is nothing more important to me than your smile. And I sincerely believe that we still have many moments ahead that will make you smile more than once. May everything be the way you want in the coming year!

Happy new year darling! I am happy that you appeared in my life and became a close and dear person to me. Now my life is sparkling with bright colors. Every day of communication with you brings me joy and pleasure. It’s great that fate gave me a meeting with a real man. May the next year bring us many wonderful days. I love you!

Today the whole city is immersed in a wonderful fairy tale, where magic reigns. This night will be the most wonderful and brightest, on this night all dreams are destined to come true. My dear, my beloved, I want to congratulate you on the New Year, with new expectations and thoughts. May this year bring you a lot of new, promising ideas, good emotions, give you many good moments and impressions. I want your every day this year to be filled with happiness, joy and pleasant surprises. So that you never cease to be surprised by little things. The main thing is to remember that my love will be with you everywhere, and together we will conquer any heights!

My beloved and only one, Happy New Year. I wish that this year becomes a year of good luck and great achievements for you, that it brings prosperity and high prospects. Dear, may the wish you made on New Year’s Eve come true as soon as possible. May my love and support help you overcome any difficulties. May our relationship become even stronger and stronger this year.

I want this New Year to be magical for you. A miracle has already happened - you and I have found each other! I wish only one thing: that our love be eternal, that we never part, that with me you always feel loved! Good luck to you, dear!

Official congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas in prose for work colleagues

Unusual New Year's wishes will help give your colleagues and bosses a great mood. We have selected official prose with congratulations for the New Year and Christmas, which can be sent to every work acquaintance.

Examples of official prose with New Year and Christmas greetings for colleagues

Original texts with wishes can be sent without changes. And you can use them to create new wishes. For example, connect parts of different examples. Or add your own personal wishes to them. The recipient will certainly like the original prose and give him maximum positive emotions. By paying attention to your colleagues during the New Year holidays, you can find new loyal friends in them.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. May your most cherished wish become a reality, may this year begin with a clean and smooth slate, may the holidays give the love of dear hearts and bright joy, may life be constantly illuminated by a bright star of happiness and a bright ray of good luck.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. I wish you joyful and bright holidays, health and happiness for the whole family, great hopes and good miracles, sincere emotions and mutual love, magical happiness and reliable blessings.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Let your dreams come true, let the fairy tale turn into reality, let miracles become your best friends, let your thoughts and actions be saturated with the Christmas spirit, let the atmosphere of goodness be in the air, let the spicy aroma of the holiday intoxicate you. Believe in yourself, achieve the impossible, catch snowflakes of happiness.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. With all my heart I want to wish you fabulous miracles and sincere happiness in life, bright hopes and good things in your home, good health and true love, unquenchable strength and kindness of the soul, responsiveness of the heart and great luck along the way.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. I sincerely wish you good holidays in the circle of dear and close people, bright emotions and a feeling of happiness, great mood and good hopes, wonderful gifts and joyful achievements in life.

Funny and short SMS congratulations on the upcoming New Year 2018 - examples of texts

Cool SMS with congratulations can be sent with colorful stickers. Thus, the received message will be able to fully convey the attention and respect of the sender. To do this, you just need to choose the appropriate text from the funny and short SMS greetings for the New Year 2018 that we have selected.

Examples of short and funny SMS congratulations for the New Year 2018

We have selected the best SMS with funny texts. They will certainly cheer up the recipient. They will help him spend the upcoming holiday in high spirits. Such messages can be sent both on New Year's Eve and during the chimes. It will be no less pleasant to receive funny and cheerful SMS in the first hours of the new year.

A new year is coming,
And the dog will change the rooster.
May this year be good
No worries and no worries.
Friends will be faithful
Family is always happy.
And let your dreams come true,
A dog protects from harm.
The clock is about to strike 12,
2018 will come.

Who's barking outside the window?
Who's wagging our tail?
This is Dog, mentor of the year,
Let the dog into the house.

Happy New Year
Dog at the doorstep
Barks and gushes.
Celebrate the Year of the Dog
Open the door
Reliable, faithful friend
Let this beast become.
Faith and hope
The dog will bring
2018 is a happy year awaiting you.

New Year is knocking on the door:
Well, it’s already 2018!
Let in this wonderful atmosphere
Everything will be cool and in good spirits!

May your wishes come true at night,
The ones you've dreamed of for a long time.
Let them be surrounded by joy, understanding,
Magic accompanies everywhere.

New Year is coming,
We praise twenty eighteen,
The Dog will take over his rights -
Adopt a member of the household.

I wish you and your dog
Build strong friendships
So that in the coming new year
Live in happiness and health.

Funny SMS congratulations on the New Year of the Dog 2018 - examples of texts

Small poems are a universal option for congratulating colleagues, friends and family. A short text will not distract the recipient from the New Year celebrations and will give him pleasant emotions. We have selected many interesting texts to wish you all the best. Cool SMS Happy New Year 2018 includes original congratulations.

Texts of funny congratulations in SMS in honor of the New Year of the Dog 2018

Short SMS can be sent to everyone you know on New Year's Eve. They can also be sent abroad to congratulate relatives and friends. The cool SMS selected by us should be supplemented with stickers and colorful emoticons. Pictures in the form of snowflakes, Christmas trees, deer and, of course, dogs are suitable for this.

Happy New Year! Let the Dog
It will bring a sea of ​​happiness,
The eighteenth will gallop
And it will save you from adversity.

Like in a wonderful children's fairy tale
Everything will come true - wish it!
Joy, tenderness, affection will come -
Accept my congratulations!

The dog wags its tail vigorously,
Brings good luck and joy to the house,
Prosperity comes, warmth and comfort,
Success and many good moments.
Let the congratulations be to your liking,
And let him smile every day of the year.

I want sadness, failure, misfortune
The new year left in the old year!
I wish you health, prosperity, love,
Be sure to grab luck by the tail!

Happy New Year! Don't be naughty
If you drink, have a snack.
In the morning let the girl get hot
It will give you a hangover.

New Year has come
People are having fun.
Less worries
And joy will come.

So that you don't grow old
Laugh and sing
Want more
And be able and be able to!

Video example of funny New Year SMS with congratulations for the New Year holiday

You can also choose cool congratulations in verse in the next video. With its help, it won’t be difficult to find original texts for New Year’s SMS. In this case, you can use both complete verses with congratulations and their individual fragments.

We have selected the most beautiful and funniest Happy New Year 2018 dog greetings. Short SMS can be sent to friends and relatives. Women will be able to choose sweet wishes of all the best for their beloved man. But official prose is suitable for sending to work colleagues. If desired, congratulations in verse sent via SMS, email and instant messenger can be supplemented with pictures or your own words. They will help you wish your friend and loved one health, happiness, and success.

The ancient tradition of cooking and saying warm words to other people during the holidays has been and will always be fashionable. The time has come for every self-respecting speaker and “soul of the party” to add a few short wishes to their repertoire for the upcoming New Year of the Dog 2018.

Are you still tired of the standard phrases: “health, wealth and happiness in your personal life”? Do your words explode your circle of friends with fireworks of laughter and positivity? Has it ever occurred to you that you can come up with something more interesting with congratulations than just writing them in beautiful postcards or writing them through SMS mailings?

In fact, New Year's wishes can be anything: toasts, notes, predictions; phantom tasks; karaoke songs. They can be written on napkins, hidden in cakes and sandwiches, in symbolic origami figures, and ultimately recorded in the form of video and audio files. The possibilities are limited only by the degree of your passion and imagination.

Everyone already knows that in 2018 the Year of the Dog is coming to us. Therefore, we bring to your attention some funny dog ​​fantasies on the topic of congratulations.

Short “dog” wishes and prophecies for 2018

These phrases can be pulled out at random from Santa Claus's bag, or from a Christmas Stocking or Valenka. They can be encapsulated in short notes, hidden in homemade candies or homemade jelly. They can accompany New Year's gifts and souvenirs. Or you can bake one such dog prophecy in Wonderful Desire Pies.

  • I wish you a year full of adventures like 101 Dalmatians!
  • I wish you to find money in the New Year as quickly as Dzhulbars finds mines and Mukhtar finds drugs.
  • I wish that the terrible three-headed dog Cerberus will bite off the eggs of your main competitor this year!
  • I wish the tax agents would tear apart all your rivals like Tuzik would tear a rag to pieces.
  • We wish you this year to have a comfortable booth (possibly on wheels)!
  • We wish you to twirl your fans like a dog twirls its tail;
  • We wish you to be as lucky as the Chukchee all year long when he rides in a sled on a team of 50 huskies and huskies.
  • May you be fed and caressed all year long, like Aunt Sara’s beloved dachshund from Deribasovskaya!
  • May this year you have as many successful projects as there are stars in the constellation Canes Venatici!
  • May all wounds, injections and grievances heal this year as quickly as on a dog.
  • Be invulnerable and unique as Ressy the Electronics dog!
  • May you have as many bucks as there are fleas in the fur of the mongrel Sharik.
  • May the person you love be faithful to you, as Hachiko is to his master.

The most effective funny wishes in the New Year are, of course, toasts. Everyone knows that clinking festive glasses is doubly interesting when accompanied by a long, humorous toast with unexpected plot twists.

We invite you to add this “Long Caucasian greeting to your best friend for the Year of the Dog” to your repertoire:

I wish you, dear friend, this dog year:

  • 5 wolfhounds;
  • 4 shepherd dogs;
  • 3 lap dogs;
  • 2 Hounds of the Baskervilles;
  • and 1 Pavlov's dog;

Let your 5 wolfhounds strangle 5 eternally hungry wolves this year:

  1. A wolf named “The Anger of Enemies”;
  2. Wolf nicknamed “Envy of Buddies”;
  3. The wolf, whose name is “Gossip of Fools”;
  4. A wolf named “Intrigue of Rivals”;
  5. And the most dangerous wolf called “Own Fear”;

Let your 4 shepherd dogs find, bring to your house and guard 4 golden treasures:

  1. True love;
  2. Sincere friendship;
  3. Selfless loyalty;
  4. Indestructible health;

Let your 3 glamorous lap dogs make 3 women fall in love with you:

  1. Fairy of luck and luck - Fortuna;
  2. Priestess of Love – Aphrodite;
  3. The Goddess of Fertility, Director of the Foundation for Humanitarian Assistance to Stray Dogs - Mrs. Rothschild.

Let the 2 dogs of the Baskervilles, without sleep and rest, do 2 terrible things in your life:

  1. They howl at the moon instead of you, complaining about difficulties;
  2. They drive away villains and idiots from your house;

And let Pavlov’s only dog ​​regularly bark and call you every time Santa Claus knocks on your door and rings, Happy chance and I am your old faithful friend!

Humorous New Year wishes in verse

Most people prefer congratulations in rhyme simply because they are better remembered and make the speaker stand out from the crowd - the “congratulator.” And funny wishes in verse automatically make people feel more vitality and good mood.

I wish that the Chinese Dog
Brought to you in 18:
100 True Friends;
200 super ideas;
300 profitable deals
And a hangover without squirrels!

I wish you a dog's life
With special rights,
Like a millionaire's dog
On the Hawaiian Islands.
Let the owner rewrite
Your own pool, car, palace
For your beloved dog.
May it finally bring you luck!

May the year of the dog bring you
More success, less adversity,
Desired events, wonderful discoveries,
Let everything you want become reality.
And what you don’t want -
Let the Dog retire,
It gets wrapped up, it gnaws, it buries itself deep,
And the dog's affairs will cover him like dew.

To keep up with horoscopes
In the Year of the Dog we wish you to become:
Fearless like the Abrek shepherd,
Well-fed and satisfied, like the pug Cheburek,
Fast and nimble, like Tobby the greyhound,
Cunningly wise like Bobik the mongrel,
To be higher and further than Strelka and Belka.
To be louder and brighter than the Spitz Shootout.
Be the first and best as a Great Dane Medalist
“SharmAn” and “Handsome” - like a collie Artist
Like a spaniel to be sweet and cuddly,
Like a bull terrier to be menacing and scary.
May you be valued like a mastiff from Tibet:
They groom, feed, and do not demand for it -
Neither “fetch”, nor “voice”, nor “serve”,
Just as you are - to be loved very much!

Let in two thousand and eighteen
Cataclysms will bypass you!
Without unnecessary pretentious speeches
Let’s simply wish without further ado:
In January there are more days off,
In February - warmth from loved ones and relatives,
In March - so that the soul and heart sing,
Spun to flirt in April.
In May to make it sweet and heady
It smelled like a real novel.
And in June, warm and free,
It was loud, bright and fun!
And in July the hot, yellow glow of summer
I would send you out into the wild: to the sea, on vacation!
In August, so that the boss goes on vacation -
To work easier, without sadness...
In September - so that melons and watermelons,
In October – work without loads,
In November - for winnings, profits and income.
In December - gifts, Christmas tree, New Year!
Live in happiness and contentment for a whole year,
Enjoy life, believe and love!

On New Year's Day, there is a very long-standing tradition of saying warm words to your family, loved ones, friends and people you just know. New Year of the Dog 2018 should be no exception.

On this page you will find wishes for the New Year 2018: short, funny, cool. Wishes will be in both poetry and prose. Everyone knows that 2018 marks the year of the Yellow Earth Dog.

Wishes for the New Year 2018: short, funny, cool in verse.

Let the soul sing in the snowstorm and slush:

We cannot lose heart from bad weather.

I wish you to cry all New Year,

But cry only from joy and happiness!

Not everyone has a million red roses

Decorate the New Year's party,

But may your cheerful Santa Claus

The top of your head will be filled with gifts!

May fate give warmth and light

And it won't even hurt your finger.

Let the old year pass away like a grandfather,

And the New Year will come like a boy!

What can I wish you from me?
Next New Year?
Prosperity in the house, in the fireplace,
Always go forward!

Let the sparkle of New Year's fun
Your whole life will be filled with yours!
I wish you immense luck,
Love, care and family warmth.

Twilight. Garlands flicker.
Glitter from Christmas tree balls.
In the palm of the universe
All your dreams are from dreams.

Let a generous hand
It will give you
All wishes will be fulfilled,
Life will become rich with happiness.

New Year's round dance
Of dancing snowflakes.
The holiday will light up the streets,
Christmas trees, bright shop windows.

May you succeed in everything
And everything works out.
Let your face laugh
And happiness never ends.

Santa Claus will give you
Sweet balm for the soul,

And the Snow Maiden will give you a prize -
A striptease dances joyfully!

Just remember guys
It's very bad to sleep in salads!

With a frosty, snowy tread
New Year is coming,
Happiness, joy and hope,
He carries it in his bag.

May he give you good luck,
Friendship, peace and warmth,
And also an apartment, a dacha
And a car under the window!

The brightest, most tender fairy tale,
Let him give you a big stroller again,
Cute, beautiful and lovely children,
Kind, beautiful, talented, not lazy,
Let there be more money in the house than jam,
I wish you good luck and luck,
So much joy and happiness
Let all the bad weather run away to hell!

May the New Year's holiday be with you
He will bring two hundred grams to everyone -
Red and black delicious caviar,
Guests, gifts, fun games!
May he please you with sparkling wine,
And a great New Year's movie!
Never bothers with worries
And he always knows about the love of idleness!

Let everything be like in a fairy tale,
Grandfather will come to you in a sled!
May your wishes always come true,
And don’t tell your secrets to your wife!
About what your salary is,
So it's time to buy a shovel!
About where fishing takes place and with whom,
So that your friends don't have problems!
By the way, and so that the wife loves them
And she let me go to any meeting with them!

To walk through life more boldly
We need to celebrate the New Year more joyfully!
I wish you to burn fireworks to the ground,
I wish you interesting meetings at night,
For example, with the real Santa Claus,
To bestow gifts from the cold!
To find a beautiful wife,
So that he can replenish your treasury!

So that everything is okay with you,
Have a million friends!
Have plenty of wine and beer,
And a sea of ​​sunny positivity!
Even on New Year's Day
Thoughts will be far from frost!

So much joy, light, love and hope,
Brought the New Year in December in bags,
You are beautiful, lady, even without any clothes,
Let fashionable clothes be given to you,
The opportunity to shine in silver jewelry,
To lure bright men with kisses,
Be kind, beautiful, don’t cry with a hangover,
Be weird and bright for no reason!

The New Year will step into dreams, into reality,
Gives a lot of happiness and warmth,
Let it seem that tenderness has been lost
And that you no longer have love,
I wish you a lot of joy and fun,
Like a Phoenix, you know how to resurrect,
You are made for heaven, seduction,
This one is very hard to find!

Let troubles run away
Misfortunes spread!
A new year is coming
Let everything be “ok” for you!
As much passion as possible
Decorate your life for her!
As much joy as possible
May Grandfather give you sweets!

We wish you all the best in the coming year
May all sins be forgiven!
May our kind grandfather Frost
It won't scare you to tears in winter!
We wish you many treats,
We wish our friends a visit!
A million gifts,
And live without breaking the law!

Santa Claus sent you a confession,
In tenderness, love and witchcraft,
He is so fascinated by the gentle creature,
That he practiced magic,
And I decided that I was giving you gold,
And he will fulfill what you wish,
There will be a lot of money, everything will be rich
Whatever you want, everything will come to you!

When frost breathes cold,
Will cover the streets, flowers, houses, dreams,
Then you will melt it with a free flame
The hearts of friends, girlfriends are only you,
Let the wine fizz in glasses on the table,
Let him keep the course of happiness for success for a year,
You reject all the proposals of impudent people,
Know that you are beautiful, undoubtedly the best!

On New Year's Eve, make a wish,
So that you don’t stumble towards your dreams on the way.
If you can, then fly to them,
If you can’t, at least crawl!

On this New Year I wish
Try everything to the fullest.
Let the fun warm you up
It's like spring outside!

The chimes strike 12 times,
Congratulations now!
Please don't hit anyone yourself
And don't drink too much alcohol.

Congratulations on the offensive
Lifetime updates!
May your New Year prove
What else will you show everyone?

Yellow Dog is your best friend -
He will suddenly get money
Will bring fun to your home,
Will provide housewarming:

In the gilded palace
Yes, with security on the porch.
May it bring good luck
This bright New Year!

We wish you to have fun,
But so as not to fall under the Christmas tree!
And so that Grandfather Frost
They didn’t take you to the sobering-up station!

What can a man wish for the New Year?!
So that his belly does not grow from beer,
So that his friends don't let him down,
Well, money has always loved him!

I wish that the Chinese Dog
Brought to you in 18:
100 True Friends;
200 super ideas;
300 profitable deals
And a hangover without squirrels!

I wish you a dog's life
With special rights,
Like a millionaire's dog
On the Hawaiian Islands.
Let the owner rewrite
Your own pool, car, palace
For your beloved dog.
May it finally bring you luck!

May the year of the dog bring you
More success, less adversity,
Desired events, wonderful discoveries,
Let everything you want become reality.
And what you don’t want -
Let the Dog retire,
It gets wrapped up, it gnaws, it buries itself deep,
And the dog's affairs will cover him like dew.

To keep up with horoscopes
In the Year of the Dog we wish you to become:
Fearless like the Abrek shepherd,
Well-fed and satisfied, like the pug Cheburek,
Fast and nimble, like Tobby the greyhound,
Cunningly wise like Bobik the mongrel,
To be higher and further than Strelka and Belka.
To be louder and brighter than the Spitz Shootout.
Be the first and best as a Great Dane Medalist
“SharmAn” and “Handsome” - like a collie Artist
Like a spaniel to be sweet and cuddly,
Like a bull terrier to be menacing and scary.
May you be valued like a mastiff from Tibet:
They groom, feed, and do not demand for it -
Neither “fetch”, nor “voice”, nor “serve”,
Just as you are - to be loved very much!

Let in two thousand and eighteen
Cataclysms will bypass you!
Without unnecessary pretentious speeches
Let’s simply wish without further ado:
In January there are more days off,
In February - warmth from loved ones and relatives,
In March - so that the soul and heart sing,
Spun to flirt in April.
In May to make it sweet and heady
It smelled like a real novel.
And in June, warm and free,
It was loud, bright and fun!
And in July the hot, yellow glow of summer
I would send you out into the wild: to the sea, on vacation!
In August, so that the boss goes on vacation -
To work easier, without sadness...
In September - so that melons and watermelons,
In October – work without loads,
In November - for winnings, profits and income.
In December - gifts, Christmas tree, New Year!
Live in happiness and contentment for a whole year,
Enjoy life, believe and love!

Happy New Year! May this year give you a lot of opportunities and beautiful ideas, happy occasions and good moments.

Happy New Year! May he bring only goodness and happiness, good luck and health to your home. May your life improve many times over in the new year.

Happy New Year and wish you incredible happiness and great luck, a beautiful life and unquenchable love, extraordinary miracles and magical moments.

Happy New Year and wish you with all my heart a great miracle and a magical mood, incredible happiness and great luck for the whole year.

Happy New Year. And on this wonderful and magical holiday, I wish you to find under the Christmas tree a bag of health, a box of happiness, a box of luck, a bag of luck and a jar of sweet mood.

Let your mood be as bright as the lights on a Christmas tree, your thoughts as clear and light as the first snow, and your mood as playful as champagne bubbles! And may this wonderful holiday bring with it a charge of optimism for the whole year ahead! Meet him with a smile and positivity!

I would like to wish you health, happiness, joy and definitely big salaries! Let everything be new in the new year, but let your friends remain old, faithful, kind and dearly loved! Just like you are with us!

Happy holiday to you! Let all doors open, wishes come true, plans come true, dreams come true. Let happiness, like a magical snowflake, fall into your palm and never melt!

Let's have a drink so that Santa Claus will prepare a wonderful gift for our friendly team - a year of stability and prosperity. So that salaries grow faster than prices in stores, and work brings pleasure. Happy New Year, colleagues.

The most anticipated holiday of the year is finally approaching. The New Year tree is twinkling with bright lights, the festive table is covered with delicious dishes, gifts are waiting in the wings, which means it’s time to congratulate your family and friends on the holiday. Therefore, we bring to your attention original Happy New Year greetings in verse and prose, Happy New Year of the Yellow Earth Dog.

Short Happy New Year greetings in verse

I wish you peace and goodness,
Love, warmth!
May this New Year
Will bring success and joy!

May the New Year open its doors
Into the world of magic, care, faith.
And all good things will begin!
May luck smile on you!

I wish you this New Year
Less sadness and worries,
More happiness and goodness,
Smiles, tenderness, warmth!

May your friends be true
And a very friendly family,
So that every day is successful,
And so that you have enough strength for everything!

Well, let's also have a New Year
Will bring more money
Health, peace and love,
So that there is no winter in your heart!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
Have fun and laugh
Don't be offended by anything
Live easily and without worries
The whole coming new year.

Enjoy every moment
And give your warmth,
Always be positive
May you always be lucky in everything!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Laughter, peace and kindness!
Let all bad weather pass by,
Life will give you full gifts!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
With new happiness and goodness.
May it bring health
And prosperity in every home.

Let the snowflakes dance around,
let your dreams come true.
Good luck to everyone,
Peace, happiness, warmth.

We, like children, expect a miracle,
Without looking at your age, at your years.
And we still look forward to the New Year,
And we always wait for miracles and joy!

May this winter and magical holiday
Will fulfill everyone's dreams:
He will give love, health, blessings to everyone,
Goodness, finance, peace, beauty!

And let him give what everyone wishes for
To the chimes at midnight at the table.
And everything bad is taken away by the old one,
Waving his wing to us goodbye!

Happy New Year 2018 greetings in prose

If you are of the opinion that Happy New Year greetings in prose sound most heartfelt, we have prepared this option for you.

I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! In the coming year, I wish you to be surrounded by exclusively positive and friendly people, to experience only pleasant emotions, to enjoy every day you live, to give joy and smiles to those around you. And may this New Year be special for you.

Happy New Year! May this year bring us a lot of happiness, good luck, smiles, warmth and light. Let it be full of bright colors, pleasant impressions and joyful events. I wish everyone to be healthy, beautiful, loved and successful in the new year!

This year is coming to an end. Every year brings a lot of good things, but we will not remember the bad. May the coming year be successful for you, everything will work out as it should. In the new year, I wish you the fulfillment of your plans and a wonderful solution to difficult situations. I wish you an ocean of love, health to everyone, ease in life and the absence of problems. We all believe in miracles, and they surround us. You just need to look a little closer and understand that a miracle has happened. Have a good start and successful continuation in the new year!

May the New Year be successful for us and rich in good events and acquaintances, desires and opportunities. I wish that we can share joyful moments with loved ones. I wish you health, peace, good luck and prosperity. May the New Year bring joy, happiness and changes for the better!

Happy New Year! May this year bring us only the best. May good luck, success and luck accompany us. I wish everyone good health, real happiness and good mood. May we always be surrounded by loved ones. And everything that is wished for when the chimes strike will definitely come true.

Happy New Year of the Dog

And in order to respect the symbol of the year and make sure that the future promises you only the most pleasant things, we recommend choosing New Year’s greetings for the New Year of the Yellow Earth Dog.

Let the Dog of all enemies
Barking will scare you away,
Only sincere people
Will leave it nearby
Let her give you
Courage, loyalty, friendship,
So that life has everything,
What is needed for happiness!
The Year of the Dog is coming to us,
Wait and meet
And the badass Rooster
Feel free to see off!

Let him protect you for a whole year,
The dog is your home and love.
Let him drive away failures
It will help you solve problems.

Let him give devotion and affection,
And every day will be like a fairy tale.
May your happiness protect you,
Leads you to your cherished dream.

Friends, welcome the New Year!
He will come with a yellow dog.
Two thousand eighteen -
Won't he bite?

May this friendly year
Like a wonderful golden puppy,
A bag of love, smiles, laughter
It will be brought to your doorstep!

We wish this dog
I brought you keys in my teeth
From all the doors you knock on
And from the hearts you strive for!

In a calm, quiet, kind world
Let the year pass without any drama.
Let life, like the most faithful friend,
Always wags his tail at you!

Let us tell you a special secret:
A mountain of happiness in the house so that
Luck needs to be lured:
Shelter the dog in the house.

Forget about all your worries
The Year of the Dog is upon us!
May she protect you
From misfortunes and grievances!

In the year 2018
I wish to enjoy
Every moment, every day.
There will be only joy in it!

May this year be special
After all, the symbol of the year is the faithful Dog!
Let him protect you
From all misfortunes and threats.

Let your tail wag
Brings happiness and success
Letting it give you good luck
And a lot of joy for everyone!

And let it be in your furry paws
He brings comfort to your home,
Warmth, health and prosperity,
Fun and love all around!

Now you have beautiful ones for every taste in your arsenal. Happy holiday!

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