How to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy? Pregnancy after two frozen pregnancies - causes and consequences Who gave birth after 2 frozen pregnancies.

Hello, I’m 28 years old and I’ve had 2 frozen pregnancies! And now it’s just been more than six months since the second, I’ve had a bunch of tests for genetics, infections, hormones, and my gynecologist says it’s time to try again, but I just can’t get over my fear( ((I’m terribly afraid of a repetition and I can’t do anything about it!!! After the first one, they didn’t do any special tests, all the doctors said that this happens and I believed them, but the second time it happened again! And since it wasn’t possible to find a particularly obvious reason, I am haunted by the thought of the possibility of a repetition! I won’t survive the third time!!!

Answers from psychologists

Hello Julia!

I work with problems of conception and miscarriage, and I offer you my help. This is psychotherapeutic work, and you will immediately notice why it is necessary.

Good luck to you!

Sincerely, Kalamkas Kanapieva, psychologist in Astana. Face-to-face and Skype.

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Julia, hello! Even from a couple of your lines, I read about the level of anxiety and concerns of a different nature. The human body, especially the female body, is a kind of psychological magic, the world of which is unique. I would advise you to inquire about the uniqueness of your psyche personally.

In order to neutralize the main problem (and many other accompanying ones) in case of failures in childbearing, which is inherent in many women (who cannot bear or give birth) - NOT readiness for pregnancy, you need to go to a psychologist.

Here are the reasons there may be in your history that limit your bodily capabilities: family influence, the influence of your personal life history, the history of your birth and childhood, relationships with your parents, mom and dad. Do you imagine future motherhood and what awaits you there, are you ready for motherhood, do you really want a child.....

The thing is that the female body prepares for pregnancy every month. The function of becoming pregnant and giving birth to children is our genetic program. And as soon as we reduce the level of anxiety by identifying the true cause, the body will relax and the pregnancy should be strong. Tensions in the pelvis and body will go away. And the birth will be successful.

In your case, psychotherapy is clearly indicated. I can help you eliminate psychological problems. Skype.

Konopleva Natalya Vitalievna, Moscow, face-to-face and Skype consultations.

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Hello, Yulia. It is best not to be afraid of fears, but to work with a psychoanalyst and analyze your personality, starting from childhood. Perhaps you have unconscious fears that are not detected by medical tests, but prevent you from bringing your pregnancy to triumph. If such a reason is found , then you will resolve your internal conflicts and be able to bear your child in the best possible way. Contact us if you trust.

Karataev Vladimir Ivanovich, psychotherapist-psychanalyst Volgograd

Good answer 3 Bad answer 1

Galieva Rita Khusnutdinovna

Psychologist Nizhnekamsk Last visit: 2 days ago

Answers on the site.

In obstetrics, the term “frozen pregnancy” refers to the cessation of fetal development up to the 28th week of pregnancy. This may be preceded by many reasons, but the outcome is still the same - curettage of the uterus and a long recovery period, after which the woman necessarily asks the question - how can one become pregnant after a frozen pregnancy?

Chronic difficulties with pregnancy may arise due to anatomical problems in the woman’s reproductive system. For example, when . The altered structure of the organ prevents the normal attachment and development of the fertilized egg, so the chances of becoming pregnant and carrying a child to term even after 2 missed pregnancies in such a patient will be negligible.

When to plan a pregnancy

The probability of becoming pregnant after a frozen pregnancy is high, but the issue of conception must be approached responsibly. First of all, you should not be afraid to try again - after all, many women, having experienced an undeveloped pregnancy, subsequently gave birth to healthy children. But it is not recommended to become pregnant without preparation; conception after an unsuccessful pregnancy should be preceded by examination by a doctor and, if necessary, treatment.

It is important to know that after curettage, the woman’s body is seriously weakened, however, this does not affect the process in any way. The egg can mature within 11-14 days after cleansing the uterus, and as a result of sexual intercourse without it, conception can occur again.

But no matter how quickly you want to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy, you shouldn’t rush. After failure, you must use contraceptive methods for six months so that the body can recover.

Why do many people fail to conceive a child after a frozen pregnancy?

Is it possible to get pregnant and how quickly will this happen after curettage of a frozen pregnancy is a question that worries everyone who has suffered this condition. If a woman has paid the necessary attention to her own health, if the cause of the problem has been identified and eliminated, if a certain amount of time has passed that the body needed to recover, there should be no difficulties with conceiving and carrying a child normally.

Sometimes a woman fails to become pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, even if the listed treatment and preventive measures have been taken. If the patient is healthy, most likely the cause should be sought in. This is why doctors strongly recommend that couples undergo a joint examination if they have any problems with reproductive functions in order to increase the likelihood of getting pregnant.

What should you do before trying to conceive again?

During the recovery period, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. This is important for identifying possible causes of fetal freezing in order to exclude them next time. If a problem is detected at the genetic level, both partners are examined. You cannot plan a new one immediately after a missed pregnancy, despite the fact that you can get pregnant on your first pregnancy.

All types of treatment are prescribed strictly by a specialist, and his recommendations must be followed strictly. A woman needs to undergo an ultrasound, tests for infections and hormonal status. Her partner is visiting a urologist. It is also recommended that the couple undergo genetic counseling and undergo an immunogram - analysis for.

In addition, attention is paid to health status. Taking multivitamins, quality nutrition, avoiding stress and excessive exercise - all this is important.

- a question that worries every woman who has encountered this failure. If the patient is healthy and at least 6 months have passed since curettage, the gynecologist can recommend certain cycles and, if necessary, prescribe drug support for conception - progesterone drugs or.

Of course, you can hear about such incredible situations when someone was able to get pregnant immediately after cleansing for a missed abortion, but this risk will not always be justified. The longer the gestational age at which the fetus died, the more difficult the recovery will be. Therefore, the questions of how quickly and after how many months you can get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy should not be a priority. There's no need to rush.

How to carry a pregnancy to term

After the recovery stage is over, the woman becomes physiologically and morally ready for new attempts at conception, there is no need to waste time - you can get pregnant in the next cycle. The majority of patients (approximately 80-90%) who experienced fetal failure in the recent past successfully became pregnant and carried the child to term.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to be observed by a gynecologist, who will identify abnormalities that impede normal pregnancy. If the doctor insists on hormonal support for the ongoing pregnancy, you should not refuse; in many women, this may occur due to a lack of progesterone, especially among those who became pregnant after a non-developing pregnancy, the cause of which was hormonal disorders.

During the entire gestation period, a woman should be attentive to her own well-being and, if any signs of trouble appear, immediately consult a doctor. For example, a sudden cessation of symptoms may indicate that the pregnancy has stalled again.

Infertility after a frozen pregnancy

Some patients, after a frozen pregnancy and the end of the recovery period, complain that for some reason they are unable to get pregnant again. Usually this condition is associated with complications of a non-developing pregnancy, namely, an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity.

During gynecological cleansing, pathogenic microflora can enter the uterus. The same thing happens during abortions. 20% of curettages and abortions end in endometritis. Mechanical impact on the mucous layer of the uterus negatively affects local immunity, and bloody discharge and body heat create favorable conditions for the development of infection.

Since many women do not like to undergo unnecessary treatment and consult a doctor, acute endometritis gradually develops into a chronic, sluggish process, which is dangerous for the development of adhesions and subsequent complications. Attempts to get pregnant can be successful if these diseases are excluded.

What to do if there were two non-developing pregnancies in a row

There are chances of getting pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, even if there was more than one. The main thing is to find and eliminate the cause of this pathology, to find out why the failure occurred. Two consecutive non-developing pregnancies usually occur due to infectious and inflammatory factors, persistent hormonal disorders in the body, bad habits and the expectant mother and fetus.

Thus, it is possible to become pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, even if there were several of them, the main thing is to eliminate all unfavorable factors that interfere with normal conception and pregnancy.

Faced with such a serious problem, many women begin to feel uncertain about their chances of becoming a mother. There is no need to despair and give up if the body has experienced a failure; the attempt can be repeated by eliminating existing health problems and carefully preparing for a new conception.

In fact, you can get pregnant a month after a frozen pregnancy, that is, immediately after cleansing, but is it worth the risk again? Preparation is mandatory and will take more than one month. In addition to medical care and caring for your own health, the support of loved ones is also important - together, all this can give a positive attitude towards conception and the birth of a new life.

Useful video about frozen pregnancy and planning

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